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We’re a gathering of disciples celebrating Christ as Lord. We gather for worship every Sunday at 10:30 AM, and we have lots of other ways we meet throughout the month. Community, care, learning, and spiritual growth are all important to us. A healthy spirit is present, and we’re the kind of church where you can think for yourself without being told what you have to think. If you’re looking for a place to believe and belong as a Christian in Spokane, we’re the place for you.



Nurture Each Other in Faith

We are a loving, welcoming, respectful, compassionate and joyful family, open to new ideas and new people. Together, as followers of Christ, we seek to be a channel for God's love and grace as we engage in ministries of wholeness in our fragmented world. We strive to meet the needs of singles, families, youth and children, both within our congregation and in the broader community. Wherever possible, we do so in cooperation and partnership with other communities of faith.


The founding members of our church joined together at the first worship service officiated by Pastor C.M. Ridenour, in October 1959.


Over the next 30 years, the Church prospered and grew, and it became necessary to increase the size of the facility. A new Sanctuary was completed and dedicated in 1993, along with a nursery, classrooms, and meeting rooms in the south wing on the main floor. Additional Sunday School classrooms, storage areas, and equipment rooms were completed on the lower level.


We currently have a vibrant membership of approximately 100 disciples. Annual traffic across our threshold numbers more than 15,000 persons. We continue to host nine organizations that use our facilities on a regular basis; we support numerous local organizations serving the less fortunate persons in our community; and we provide space for weddings, funerals, and special events.


We’re a part of a larger fellowship of Christians, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in United States and Canada.  We’re a diverse group, made of churches from many cultures and backgrounds, but we’re united by a faith that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  Some things that are common to Disciples are:


  • An emphasis on Christian Unity

  • Communion is shared in every Sunday worship

  • Freedom of Thought (The Scriptures are our guide, but all are invited to interpret the scriptures with freedom as we learn from each other).

  • The ministry of all believers (All have gifts to share as we are church together).​​


If you’d like to learn more about the Disciples of Christ, you can learn more at

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